Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


The clear sound of piano drag me to a wonder, a picture of a hill of silence and a bright wide field of starry sky, where the frozen breeze blown over me, I'm laying on rough tall grasses, reaching my hand as if I can touch the sky, where there is nothing that can take me away from this scenery. I realized that actually I'm just laying in my bed, try to calm myself to sleep, but somehow I want to grab my tablet and start to write, I know that bellow the silence of my thought I burried million sound, limitless sky of idea, maybe it like a reversed starry sky, where the unlimited star were not floating in eternal sky of universe, but they are locked up far inside my deep consciousness, and I can't help myself just to look away from this moment of wonder, I know that, I love stargazing into my ownself, thats why I love myself and I want to share this wonder to someone else, and I believe that each of soul have its own unlimited sky of stars that they can share, why dont you show yours, I'll show you mine.

Kamis, 29 November 2012

Vocal x Coffee x Orientation

My current situation is calm between storms, both after previous and before the next one, after biostatistic test, neurology olympiade, and yesterday I gave lecture about drug abuse (narcotic and such) today I decided to continue my after-2-years-hiatus vocal course, my faculty-mates* dio and donda tag along. After some series of question, since we have so much free time today, we decide to go to karaoke place, first we came to a place recommeded by seniors (well its a little shady, but it cheap for sure), but happen to be full, and then we move to our usual place to karaoke. When we arrived, the reception told us that we have to wait about 30 minutes before they have another empty room for us to use, so we go to new restaurant  close to the karaoke, and some trainee-looking employee come us to take the order, and after we have been waiting for about 30 minute, the food havent arrived to our table yet, it seems the trainee-looking waiter forgot to give our order to the kitchen.

Awww Im sleepy

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Law x Lawbreaker x Lawless

Hello everyone, how do you do? Me? Im still burried in everyone design requests, and because too much requests, I only work seriously if the requester is someone I like, someone important to me, or if i feel I owe him /her. Important here can be describe in two categories, person who I currently relay on, or people that I sure can be use in future, friend? Okay, enough, today I will share my thought about something different, today I will share my psychological evaluation thought about breaking laws

Nowadays, in everyplace we see people cheating or breaking laws, for example, in indonesian, most public school student casually cheating on test or in some country, if u caught speeding or passing through red traffic light, u can always bribe the police to finish the "problem", and it happen in all level of society, young to old, poor to rich, everyone doing it. That why today I will pick " breaking laws" as my main topic. I'll talking about probability ( no, not statistically).

WHO OR WHAT TO BLAME? why do people do that? They have civil study that teach them to obey the country laws and orders, right? People tends to blame the subject, like they dont study civic seriously or they just naturally some rebellious b*stard, or maybe their parent arent cared enough for their behavior. According to my value, there is no "one point mistake" or "one side mistake", because it always be a systematical mistake, I always evaluate a problem by using 3 perspective system. First, from the subject of this problem, it could be person that burns the forest, doctors that attends the patient, or in our today discussion, the law breaker. Second perspective come form the object, the forest tree, the patient, and in this case, the law itself. Third, the outsider perspective, like the society condition, the forest or hospital condition, its like and host -infection agent-and environment relationship in infectious disease case, I use this kinds of thinking system this post onward.

WHY BREAKING LAWS? Hmm why do they? Lets say there are many common theories in society, such as people didn't like the rules, the people are bored with old tradition, they being force to break the rules, the rules itself arent too binding (easy to break),or simply because people didnt even know that the laws they broke is exist, or maybe you can add some more, but for now lets talk about these things, in order u say? I see, lets just begin from "subject's perspektive" and move to "object's and outsider's perspective," and then move to solution part.

  • WHY PEOPLE DOESN'T WANT TO FOLLOW OUR ORDER (LAWS) ?Ah I forgot to mention the subject reason, hmmm, many theories, maybe the laws itself its good, but since the humans that suppose to do it are too "smart", they criticized the rules and want to set a new value, I know that actually it correlated with "old rules problems," that I will talk about it latter. Other reason is maybe the rules are a brand new things to the people, we give them new set of rules while them still clinging to their old rules, people, old people especially, its sometimes difficult to adapt to new rules, even though we give them the details of the new rules, they didn't want to know, since they have live peacefully with their old values, its also applied to those who live only with their family or ancestor tradition, even though their surrounding changes as the time flows.
  • RULES ARE BORING AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL, (or maybe just a bit)  okay, start from here, the font in bold had already stated the subject perspective, so lets think a bit about the reason, well, maybe rules are indeed boring, since many tradition didn't change at all, you know, traditional culture, food, and language are indeed valuable assets to someone places, its differs you from other people from other places, but if we talk about traditional law, most of them are not evolved or change in aaaa, lets say, more than hundred years, okay, lets not say most of them are unfit or fit in present, because some of them are (even though I believe more than half of it unfit to the present), but whether it fit or unfit, the people in that place will change or evolve physically or psychologically, maybe the tradition are fit to apply in general human population, but if its practitioner are changing, it became local chaos (read: local law breaking party), moreover if the traditional laws are indeed unfit to general human population, the law as a "box" will never be able to hold the ever changing human progress and explode, the more "hard and thick" the boxes are,  the greater the explosion (because the boxes own capabilities to hold more "content").Other reason is that we didn't like the law, maybe the law itself give no advantages to the practitioner, its another effect of old laws that created only by one person, or one group, maybe they mean no harm, but its lack of others perspective, not only its doesn't serve all part of society (some people doesn't feel any of its effects), its reduce the sense of I-get-a-part-in-it and sense of belonging. The other possible factor is when the law itself are too easy to manipulate, it happen a lot in organization or country where the law its self is on basic value, and lack of instrumental/applicable definition, so its easy to bend the law and  escape from its consequences, or so they though.
  • THE RULES AND PEOPLE ARE GOOD, WHY IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL?  well, if its not coming from subject and object we have to consider the outer/external factors, in fact, we must consider external factor in all times, in all cases. Maybe the information about the new rules, doesn't reach those whose live in remote places, maybe the new rules are to complicated for the user, it can relate to how well they received education, both formal and informal one, or maybe the authorized person want to make the rules simpler and easier, but only to them, not the user, it does happen a lot. The other reason is the incompetence of the people who suppose to guard the law, since in some under-development country, they became police since they cant be someone else, otherwise their became unemployed, its also related to corrupted government, where laws can be bought for money, other possibility are there is no other way, sometimes people broke law since they cant earn money in any other way, I believe it generally  know as one of the government responsibility, but its also our responsibility, moreover if the government are untrustworthy. Other environmental factor is there exist a place where there is no law applied, lets say, hmm lawless places in blind spots of the people responsible for the application of the law.
 In reality, I think we almost never, well in fact I never see a reason stated above stands alone, it always a combination of some reasons, and so we have to find a multifactorial solution to answer to such problems. I'll try to give mine, its just possible solution, I believe you can found a better one, maybe its too idealist, okay, i think, we better makes "the box" flexible enough, every year, or maybe two or three, we ask people or a group of people that can represent the general population, no, not a government people , actually I prefer a random selection, since I find it hard to trust a politician,  given their current reliability (in my country at least), and we talking about general organization too or maybe smaller group, not only governmental issues, and why we do every two or three years, its to make sure that no laws or traditions are sticking to deep to people thought, so they easier to change and adapt to the new laws, and since it from people we can expect people will have sense of belonging, oh yeah, and make a group of people who have to deliver the new set rules every time we need to change the rules or we can make sure the mass media reach even to the most remote places, one more thing, I believe that if we evaluate the governmental elites every year, and allowed to change the incompetent one, (there is no minimum or maximum years they can rule, its all depend on how long they can be competent enough) they will work more serious and productive, I know maybe some of the "scenario" are left unanswered, and I believe some you can find the better one, so that's all for today, bye...

Senin, 17 September 2012

Expo X Art X War

golden crown
My faculty was holding an expo yesterday, an Internal Student's Activity Unit (like extracurricular in high school) Expo, I was attending to 2 ISAUs, the Art ISAU and Catholic ISAU, in art ISAU,the day before yesterday I was called to bring some photos since I'm the only senior left in photography division, on 6 PM, so I was only brought the photos when suddenly they asked me to do the decoration, and I ended up going home half an hour to midnight. they only provide so little for mid size rooms, wow, and actually the art ISAU's leader had already called the division head (photography) to ask all member to help with the decoration, but somehow the message never reach me, hmmm, so even though I have some art supply, I can't use it. On the expo day, I still working on art ISAU's decoration in the morning, but after the decoration done, I went to Catholic ISAU and sat there untill the expo ended. I cant stay long in art ISAU, since the leader threaten me with the idea of nominating me on the next art leader (and/or division chief) campaign, because its endangering my idea of free 2 last semester from ISAUs activity (since I join a lot but want to quit all after this semester)

Kemarin, fakultasku mengadakan expo Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Internal, gw dapet tugas jaga 2 stand sekaligus, UKM seni dan UKM keagamaan (Katolik), hari sebelumnya, aku ditugasi mengirimkan foto (yang sudah dicetak) ke UKM seni karena, aku dianggap satu-satunya senior fotografi yang masih tersisa, dan ternyata, saat aku sampai disana, aku terpaksa ikut membantu menyiapkan dekorasi, aku datang jam 6, tapi pulangnya jam 11.30, waw, sama sekali ga kebayang, yang bikin rada sebel itu aku sama sekali ga dapat info tentang acara mendekorasi, walaupun kata ketua UKM seni, udh mengabari ketua divisi fotografi, wew, padahal aku punya stok persediaan buat dekor2 gini (sering bgt dapet tugas dekorasi). Selama Expo berlangsung, gw cuma bantu2 UKM seni pagi hari, setelah dekorasi, aku hanya berada di UKM Katolik, sampai acara selesai. Gw ga lama2 di UKM seni, gw takut kalo bener2 diangkat jadi calon ketua (utama atau divisi) padahal gw pengen bebas acara UKM mulai semester depan ( gw ikut banyak, tp pengen keluar abis semester ini)

ueki SD
Regarding to this subject, I was resubmitting to deviant art last week, since my design division's head on art ISAU only live (online) on deviant art, so in order to contact him I have to sign up, oh yeah, one more thing about art, last night I was freaked out, since I have to draw highly detailed anatomic organ on anatomy report, and I bad at coloring, hence I noted on the last part of report "dear anatomy lab assistant, since I'm bad at coloring, please accept this report on black and white" the bright side is this is the last 2 reports I have to go through.

Berhubungan dengan seni, aku akhirnya daftar lagi ke deviant art, karena ketua divisi desain itu hanya bisa dihubungin lewat DA, jarang nyentuh hape, jadi ya, gw daftar. satu lagi, tadi malem gw sebel bgt sama tugas anatomi ngambar kepala potongan sagital, rumit bgt deh, dan karena gw ga jago ngewarnain (ntar jadinya semakin jelek kalau ada warnanya), akhirnya gw menulis catatan di bawah laporan, "untuk lab Anatomi, gw ga bisa mewarnai, mohon diterima hitam putih saja, ya... ya.....", untungnya ini 2 laporan terakhir anatomi yang harus gw lalui.

wow, at last, I tried Total War Shogun 2, with both fall and rise of samurai, but since I'm new to total war, its killing me, even though I'm familiar with civilization V system, waw, its so difficult, game over in 4 turn, save-load-die-load-die-load-and so on, the reason why I interested in this game is that I love japanese history, and culture, especially sengoku jidai ("warring era/state"), but since my desktop are only have the minimum requirement for this game, I have to be patient everytime the game takes extra long "loading screen", hope I can master it this week. I will succeed the unification of Japan!

Wow, akhirnya, gw nyoba juga Shogun total war 2, dengan tambahan fall dan rise of samurai, tapi ya, karena ini game total war pertamaku, gila susah bgt, walaupun gw udah biasa sama civilization, gw aja mati 4 turn, instant game over, save-load-kalah-load-mati-load-hancur-load-dan seterusnya. gw tertarik sama game ini karena gw suka sejarah dan kultur jepang, terutama sengoku jidai (jaman perang), tapi karena desktop-ku hanya menjangkau minimal kebutuhan spec game ini, gw harus sabar kalo loading screen-nya extra lelet (lambat), semoga gw bisa menguasai game ini minggu ini. Akan kusatukan Jepang!

Post X English X Indonesian

Somehow I want to write in using both English and Indonesian, so I start doing so from this post onward, sorry for bad English, since I barely use one after I graduated from senior high school, and majority of Indonesian University student (except one who study on international private university or in English language major) only using English in two ways : reading and listening, so the productive skill (writing and speaking) aren't developed among student, oh you one of them who still using English actively?  I say majority, not all of them, I still using writing skill since I played a lot of online game in international server or in social-network, but as you know, there are only few player using the correct grammar, and not only my grammar, my pronunciation are "fading away" (even though I used to be proud of it) dang it!

Entah kenapa aku ingin menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, jadi aku putuskan memulainya dari post ini dan seterusnya, maaf kalau bahasa Inggrisnya tidak terlalu baik, karena sejak lulus dari SMA, jarang sekali dipakai, selain itu, sebagian besar mahasiswa Indonesia (kecuali yang kuliah di universitas internasional atau jurusan bahasa/sastra Inggris) hanya menggunakan 2 jenis kemampuan berbahasa Inggris: membaca dan mendengar, jadi skill memproduksi (menulis dan berbicara), sama sekali tidak berkembang di kalangan mahasiswa, Oh apakah anda masih menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara aktif? saya kan bilang sebagian besar, bukan semuanya, saya masih menggunakan kemampuan menulis saya, ketika bermain game online atau dalam jejaring sosial, tapi memang hanya sedikit yang menggunakan grammar dengan benar, dan sekarang bukan hanya grammar-ku saja, sekarang pelafalanku juga jadi kabur (tidak jelas) ( walaupun dulu aku sempat membanggakan hal itu) fukou da....!

Senin, 10 September 2012

Liber Gladio - imported-

 Ohya, gw bakal mindahin gambar2 gw ke sini juga, biar nyampur gitu
(Sebelumnya ada blog laen)

Space X Mobage X Laudate

Kebetulan gw lagi pengen nulis, hmmm, hari yg lumayan menyiksa, hari ini bangun jam stgh 4 pagi, soalny ad pretes anat jam 5:20, tapi bagi gw yg kayakny ga ngerasa anat sebagai beban, ga tidur terlalu malam sih, bahkan gw ga nyentuh sama sekali tu anat, inhall ya gw terima aja sebagai pengalaman belajar resume jurnal buat skripsi nanti

Gw lagi panik nih, ketua divisi desain kan hr ini ad tugas bikin desain banner, nah yg jd masalah itu ketuanya, pas pertemuan sebelumny, dia bilang desainnya buat pojok scarta, pdhl ketua ukm seni bilangny buat expo, aduh2, udh orgny susah dihubungin (hikkikomori, ga keluar kamar, ditambah hape ga dibales, wow), semoga udh crosscheck ke ketua ukm seniny, klo ga, gw bakal ga tau deh gimana

Anime yg terakhir gw tonton marathon itu "Space Brother", tentang kakak beradik Nanba Mutta dan adiknya Nanba Hibiki, yg waktu kecil berjanji dan bermimpi akan pergi ke angkasa luar, karena keduanya hobi hal2 ttg astronomy, sktr 20 tahun kemudian, sang adik, Hibiki sudah menjadi astronaut yg sedang siap2 pergi ke bulan, sementara sang kakak, seorang mantan ahli teknik mesin otomotif (sampai dipecat karena meng-headbutt atasannya yg menghina Hibiki). Sang adik yg mendengar hal itu berinisiatif mendaftarkan kakakny menjadi astronaut juga, untuk mencapai mimpi masa kecil mereka, dimulailah petualangan Nanba Mutta (yg lebih dikenal sebagai "kakaknya Nanba Hibiki") utk menempu ujian menjadi astronaut, ceritanya menarik, walaupun menurut teman2ku susah mengajak orang menonton anime yg satu ini, katanya, no moe, no harem, no fanservice, no fantasy, and crappy opening, well, tapi perkembangan plotnya, cerita sang kakak yg super detail, suka gugup dan sangat polos, sedangkan adikny yg selalu melupakan detail, tapi dibalik itu inti.cerita ini adalah hubungan antar saudara laki2, dimana walaupun tidak sedekat saudara perempuan, mereka akan tetap memiliki hubungan yg kuat satu dengan lain, gw suka bgt nih pure drama, dimana ga ad harem, well ad pasangan, tp ga harem, trus ceritanya bertemakan dunia kerja yg nyata, seperti kesalahan anda di satu perusahaan ketika bertemu atasan yg menyebalkan akan mempersulit anda di tempat lain, well, if I have to give this anime a score, I'll say its have almost perfect one, I love it. . .

Lagi tergiang2 lagu aquarion evol, animenya, agak menyakiti hati walaupun considered good ending, but not good enough for good ending, but still Bless4 is way too epic for this so-so anime, kimi wa shinwa, yg sangat aquarion, dan endingnya yg juga dari Bless4 yg tentang kerinduan (menurut gw), bener2 epic, klo yg ke2 sih ya. . . . So-so aja sih

Sedang kembali menggiatkan baca Alkitab, sekarang gw merekomendasikan app android yg namanya Laudate, ad bacaan hariannya, yg dibacain dgn podcast, trus ad renungan dari gereja dan dari Paus Benedict, ad doa rosario, angelus, dkk, super bgt deh, kemaren ketemu pas gw lagi nyari kitab suci katolik di tablet, soalny yg ad edisi protestan, kan deuterokanonikanya ga ad

Trus gw mulai maen game2 mobage (mobairu gemu) di android, awalny kan bnykan maen yg dr perusahaan game korea kayak come2us atau gamevil, saatny kembali ke jepang, isenk2 nyoba game2 kayak my monster rancher ato fantasica, eh btw kmrn ad temen sma yg tany tentang eden eternal, langsung deh gw ngirimin tutorial yg gw pernah bikin + banyak update an, semoga membantu.

Apalagi ya ? Ohya, kmrn salah satu adek tingkat univ, ada yg di telpon org yg suaranya kayak gw, katanya kecelakaan, apa gw punya kembaran ya? Atau gw kecelakaan tapi ga nyadar ya, haha, aneh2 aja
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